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We utilize the ability to create Events on our Community and it's an awesome feature. Since we do have internal and external attendees which may not have registered on the Event page over on our Community, it may look like only a couple dozen people have attended one of our big events; even tough over 100 people have attended.

Is there a way I can hide the Attendees list from (a) Event page(s), preferably hiding it of anonymous users and users with a certain role? .

Edit; preferably also the hiding this line on the Events overview page in the front-end. I seem to be only able to change the text:


Yes, we do this. You can do it with inserting custom CSS via Theme in the customize menu on the front end: 

/*start hides Event Attendees containers*/
.event-attendees-container, .event-item_attendees {

/*end hides Event Attendees containers*/

You don’t need the top and bottom lines, but you’ll appreciate them later. It’s a best practice @matt enbar taught me in his days on the support team: it’s in-code documentation so that you know what that code snippet is there for. 

@DannyPancratz Yes! Love to see clean and organized code!

Reading your question more closely… my suggestion above is for hiding it from all users. 

We also do a number of things to hide/show some widgets only for certain user roles, including: 

  • Only show a widget to superuser role
  • Hide widget for unregistered (logged-out) users

The support team was very helpful in doing this via third party scripts, so it might be possible to do what you’re talking about. Our use cases are for HTML widgets, so I can speak to core elements hard coded into the platform like the attendee info. 

The easiest solution would be to hide it for everyone, especially since the numbers are inaccurate given those who register through other methods. You can always use ?disableCustomCss behind your URL to see the default view if you need to. Or check numbers in Control. 


That will do the trick @DannyPancratz, thank you for sharng your solution!
