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Hi, we have gated our training resources behind the log in wall. However, this means the section is entirely invisible to non-logged in users so they might not know the content exists at all.

As a solution, I was hoping I could create a knowledge base category that is visible only to non-logged in users that tells them about the content they can access once they log in.

I am having trouble setting up the visibility permissions so that only non-logged in users can see that section.

I created the knowledge base category and selected these permissions:


But it is still visible to users who are logged in:


Am I missing something? Please help :pray:

Hi @copperml

I’ve investigated the issue, and I’m wondering if the work around should display as you’re hoping to or if this is a bug. Private categories/quick-links on the mega menu is a rather new functionality. I’m raising your question as a support ticket. 

Thank you @Jeanie Lee !
