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Hi everyone,

Our Community is private and requires login before it can be accessed.

It’s a big barrier to entry for us, and one of my major challenges is the drop-off rates we see on the built-in SSO login page. We’ve been able to replace the copy on this page using phrases, but ideally I would like to completely replace this page with a custom design that highlights the benefits of becoming a member.

Our current login page looks like this:


I would prefer it to look like this (a custom landing page we made on our website for SEO purposes)


Is anything like this possible?

@Onomatopoeia I think anything is possible. If you feel limited by the phrases you could explore injecting some HTML with a script but you could also go down the route of an iFrame.

Do note however that the phrases are fully supportive of HTML if I’m correct so you could really do most of it that way! And with custom CSS.

Finally you can also consider a completely custom page hosted elsewhere and a redirect.

Hi, Michael. We have done this for our login page as a way to reroute to a custom page for SSO through our own platform. 

My more technical colleagues set this up with the Insided implementation team, so I’d definitely ask Support or your CSM for help (they may want to pull in a TSM). 

As far as I can tell, this is all it takes in Control > Customization > Third-Party Scripts > Insider in <Head>

if (window.location.href == '') {
window.location = "NEW LOGIN PAGE URL"

HOWEVER, I believe that just takes care of the login page. You’ll need insided’s help to redirect any URL to your login page if they’re logged out. 

From there, the real work comes in how you build that new login/SSO page. I strongly recommend that you find a way for it to redirect them back to the source URL. That way logged-out users who get a link to a specific page/post (like from a system email) are taken to that page/post after they login, rather than sending everyone to home after they login. 

But, in short, it’s possible to do this. We’ve done it. 
