
How to show search icon on Mega Menu in Homepage

  • 2 September 2021
  • 6 replies

Hi everyone!,

I would like know if it is possible to show the search icon in the mega menu in the homepage of the platform.

I’m trying to get rid of the “hero menu” and the search bar on it, and use the search icon that appear in some pages on the left side of the “Create topic” button in the “Mega menu”.


In the homepage, when I click save the icon disappears


Thanks in advance!




6 replies

Hi @alfonsmr

Unfortunately, at this moment it’s not an option to control the visibility of search button in the mega menu on homepage. I see it causes some problem when you don’t want to use the hero banner. This is a problem we are aware of and discussing internally.

I think a simple heading can work well for your members to understand the mission of your community. What do you think about this idea:

  1. Have search icon available in mega menu of all pages;
  2. Have an option to simplify the hero banner with text only.

Curious to hear from you :) 

Hi @xiaoyu-shen,

The screenshot you are showing in the post is exactly what i want to do!, but I can’t manage to do it.

Please have a look at my staging site

I put a simple header with the html widget, and remove it the hero banner, but the magnifying glass icon is not appearing in the homepage.

I didn’t understand in your post if that is possible or not?. for your screenshot it seems that is possible!

Hope you can help me to clarify this.


Hey @alfonsmr, the visual I sent you is just a concept so far, so it’s not possible yet. But glad to hear that this is what you want. The simple hero banner can be achieved by custom css. The search icon needs a bit more work. Let me bring this to the team and ask around. :) 

any updates here??


@xiaoyu-shen could I ask you to elaborate a little why this wouldn't be possible? Via some css, I’d live to understand the issues here. 

Is there any news on this one? I think it is very user friendly if we can add it to all the overview pages!
