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Once a week we send a newsletter to members and we identified bounced emails. These members and are no longer active in the company they originally signed up with. Because these members don't have access to their work email, how do you suggest we treat them? What do you do?

On a case by case basis if they are a super user I reach out in Linkedin and invite them to stay and update their email address to either their new company or their personal email.

Do you tag these members with a specific Role?

Is it appropriate to create a customer role to mark them so that we can exclude/add them when looking at overall member metrics?


Any suggestions or best practices welcome.


Our Community: SaaS Private for customers via code only. ~170 members


Ooh, this is a good one. I love these questions!

For me personally, I would suggest that once you get a bounce three times for the same email address, you should ideally cease sending emails to that email address and unsubscribe it from all marketing and newsletters, since they won’t deliver anyway. This helps ensure your sender reputation remains healthy and is considered part of best practice. The user can always re-subscribe later if they wish.

Other than that, it’s kinda tricky to suggest what else to do really - especially because of things like GDPR! I wouldn’t exactly recommend erasing those users, since you’ll nuke all their content but I guess the easiest option would be to just leave the accounts alone and use other contact options to reach the member where appropriate. Let me see if members such as @DannyPancratz or @bjoern_schulze are around though, as they might have a few tips. :)

We have this issue too. I get tons of bounced emails from the automated badges - especially my “happy 1 year anniversary” badge. 

I feel like you can’t assume that ALL these people are inactive members, since you don’t need your email to login. But if they’ve joined the community, never posted anything, and now their email address is gone, I’m not sure what to do with them. I do like your idea of creating a custom role (maybe “inactive) so you can filter these people out. 

True, but there’s not much you can do about a dead email address. A dead email account is dead after all and isn’t coming back (unless the email provider does a Yahoo and they decide to recycle email addresses for some reason).

It’s worth noting that there’s a cost for every email sent and if you’re not paying that cost yourself, inSided probably is. And AWS isn’t exactly cheap either… :wink:
