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In the new Gainsight University training it says: Create some natural barriers, i.e. providing a best answer, for later ranks.

I am in the midst of redefining some ranks and would love to include this for our super users, however, I’m not sure how best to go about automating this? How have others incorporating defining this in their ranks? I was thinking of doing it as a role, but I haven’t been able to figure it out via roles either.

Hi ​@LuH - if I’ve understood your question, and what you describe reading about in the new training, the idea here is to simply start adding some thresholds for the upper ranks that include best answers.  In the rank structure this is one of the native data points you can include in your ‘formula’ - simply called ‘Answers’ in the rank overview page.  Or have I misunderstood your question?

Hi ​@LuH - if I’ve understood your question, and what you describe reading about in the new training, the idea here is to simply start adding some thresholds for the upper ranks that include best answers.  In the rank structure this is one of the native data points you can include in your ‘formula’ - simply called ‘Answers’ in the rank overview page.  Or have I misunderstood your question?

Oh ok! I guess I was interpreting “answers” as replies in this section vs. best answer. Thank you so much!
