How to use inSided webhooks when the Zapier trigger doesn't exist

  • 13 July 2022
  • 6 replies

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Hey everybody!

My name is Nick and I’m a Sr. Community Manager at Zapier. 

I just wrote an article in the Zapier Community that might be of interest to some of you. It details how to use the inSided API with Webhooks by Zapier, when the trigger doesn’t exist in the inSided integration.

Check it out, and if you have any questions please lemme know (either here or on that article) :)


6 replies

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Hi Nick,

Awesome article! And having this being written by the almighy Zapier Wizards themselves makes it even better! 😊

Using a secondary zap to do the event subscription is brilliant! This will make my life and that of our customers so much easier!

Few notes:

  • looks like the link to the webhooks didn’t make it, the phrase “(this list may not be updated...please see here for the most accurate list)” isn’t linked anywhere
  • would it be possible for you to share the sub-to-webhook-zap as a template? I think that would help a lot of the people here!
  • I would add a note saying the client id and client secret are very sensitive information, which should absolutely not be shared in public or even with the larger parts of the customer’s organisation.

@Alistair FIeld do you think this post should be promoted as a KB article?

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@tiffany.oda think this would be interesting for your blog series too!

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Thanks @bas :)

Someone else pointed out that the link was missing haha. I’ve added that, as well as the note about the Client ID and Client Secret being super sensitive info. I’m OOO at the moment, but next week I should be able to make that Zap Template (good idea!) when I’m back.


Thanks @bas . @nicksimard and I are actually already talking, this is going to be included in my part 2 of the article. :) 

Hello @nicksimard, thank you for this helpful article! I had a quick question regarding customizability with a particular webhook while using Zapier. Would I be able to use the webhook conversation.Replied with a specific conversation? 

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@joses in the Zap you could add a filter with the topic ID and specify to only continue if it matches. The webhook itself will trigger for each conversation reply, but within the Zap you can limit what makes it to your following Zap step(s) 😀

Here’s a video showing how Filter works, in case you’re not familiar:

Hope that helps!

