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Hello everyone, 


Our Customer Success team is about to purchase Decobo. Curious if anyone else has connected Decebo (LMS System) to their Insided forum? 


Would like to know what features connecting the APIs will allow, etc. 

Ooh, that’s a good one actually! Interestingly, their community also runs on inSided, which might just be a coincidence. :)

If you haven’t already, it’s probably also a good idea to stop by their community and see if anyone over there can also help out. It should be at if I’ve got the URL right. I’ve also run a few searches over there and on their knowledge base just in case.

So far, I’ve not really come across much discussion about inSided on their community, other than quite a few people who apparently love the inSided platform and enjoy the experience it gives them. Which unfortunately for me, generates quite a lot of noise! But I guess that’s a good thing? :joy:

And I’m afraid I’m only turning up two results for Docebo over here. This thread happens to be one of them! But with that said, it seems like @adam.ballhaussen might be well positioned to answer this one.

Thanks @Blastoise186 for the insights! I also saw these findings ☺️ Much appreciated. I love the Blastoise profile theme! 

@adam.ballhaussen I would love to know if there is other info you could provide regarding Decobo and Insided connecting via their APIs. 

Hey @Dkreiger, I’m happy to hear you’ll be partnering with Docebo! Thanks for the tag @Blastoise186


@Dkreiger it would help me to understand what you’re hoping to achieve via a Docebo > inSided integration. We’ve had a few preliminary conversations with the inSided product team about building federated search to surface our Docebo University course content in our inSided community search. This is possible via our existing APIs.


Here’s a link to more information about Docebo’s APIs. I’m also happy to connect you with a few other Docebo customers who are using inSided to power their communities. Much to my excitement, it’s a continuously expanding group! 


Also bringing @erin.brisson into this thread as she manages our community at Docebo

Hi @adam.ballhaussen


We are looking to connect our University course and exam completions to Insided with points and badges. 




@Dkreiger I love the use case. My team hasn’t made this happen yet, but this should certainly be possible based on existing APIs available from both Docebo and inSided.


The great news is that if you don’t already have access to a Docebo environment, you can spin up a free trial via this link. From there, you can test Docebo’s APIs and see for yourself if you can achieve what you’re hoping. The documentation I shared in the previous post explains how to view Docebo’s API browser. You basically just add /api-browser to the end of whatever your platform URL is.


Docebo API

I believe the endpoint you''ll want to use on the Docebo side is /manage/v1/gamification/summary. This endpoint allows you to retrieve the badges & points for a given user in Docebo. Here’s a response sample for that endpoint:

"data": "
"badges": 0,
"points": 0,
"coins": 0,
"id": 0,
"title": "string",
"title_translations": {
"lang_code": "string",
"name": "string"
"position": 0,
"points": 0,
"last_assign": "2022-01-25",
"id_user": "string",
"percentage": 0,
"is_me": true,
"user": {
"firstname": "string",
"lastname": "string",
"username": "string",
"avatar": "string"
"version": "string",
"_links": {}


inSided API

I’m sure there are numerous users in this community better-positioned to help you on this end, but I found an Assign points endpoint that seems like it could help you. 


inSided also recently shared that they added an action in Zapier to Award badge and Award role. These actions could also help you achieve your desired outcome. You can learn more about the Zapier enhancements in the following post:



I know I’ve given you a lot to chew on here. Please let me know if you have any other questions! I’d obviously love to see the finished result if and when you build out this functionality.


Careful! I sense a US based community here, rather than an EU one. As such, it’s probably running on the US infrastructure. Based on this, the docs you’ll be after are at and you’ll want to replace 


Otherwise… Things might break!

Classic @Blastoise186 bug blasting absolutely everything. Thank you for the catch and correction!

Wow! I will share with the rest of the team of the great news. I will follow up if they have further questions. Thanks @adam.ballhaussen & @Blastoise186. Much appreciated. 



No worries :)

Usually the best community to ask for help on would be the one most closely related to the product or service in question… But it’s a little tricky when it comes to something that technically has two possible options. I’d say feel free to stop by either inSpired or Docebo if you need help with this kind of integration again.

Either way, you’ve got a 50/50 chance of getting the right one! XD
