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Hey All - Would love some advice. We are a public community - meaning anyone can join and participate in our main forum. 

Last month (July), I had 50 accounts join the community that were spam. Those 50 accounts were able to post 16 replies/topics that were spam. 

I know there’s some risk in having a public community, but what should I check here? Are there some additional steps I should make sure we’re doing to catch these - to stop from joining or catch the posts? Several made it past the spam filter even though they included spam links.


Spam prevention is enabled. 

I mark topics/replies as spam in the mod console. 


Hey @Kgastaldo

You're doing the right thing by marking those topics/replies as spam, but I checked your community and found one setting turned off for spammers, so I tightened up registration rules for your community - that should keep a lot of spammers away.

If you continue to have problems (either with legitimate users being blocked or spammers registering), please submit a support ticket so that we can look into it further - Our customer service email address is 
