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I’m working on the idea of tying an event to a specific group. Going forward I would very much like to tie the RSVP to an event in InSided to joining the group BUT today I just need a way to add people to the group if I want to… 

Anyone faced a similar issue, found something I did not?

Hi @SmartlyGreg , I see this topic has been around for a while unanswered. 

Have you found a resolution or should I nudge internally for some assistance?

No answer sadly @Alistair FIeld thanks for picking up on that!

Nothing urgent, but would love some input from the team!

Hi Greg,

Unfortunately groups are not supported in the API as of this moment.

That said, bulk actions from the user overview is on the near-term roadmap: 

I’m sure that @Sebastian would love any feedback you can give him :) 
