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Does the API provide a way to select and update the ideation status of a topic? Can’t seem to find anything about it in the API docs.

Hi Jasper - thanks for your question!

We do not currently offer a way to update the ideation status of a topic via our public API. I'm really interested to hear more from you however: how you’d like to use this endpoint, and why? :)

As a sidenote: we do offer a webhook when the status of an idea is changed:

We're working on an integration between our community and Azure DevOps, where we manage our backlog and planning. We would like to update the status of ideation topics when a user story in Azure DevOps is, for example, assigned to a sprint, in active development or implemented. 

Hi Daniel, any updates on this? Managing ideas through the Insided control panel is quite cumbersome so we would really like to be able to integrate Insided with our work management tools. The manual export of topics does contain the ideation status.

Hi Jasper,

Unfortunately I haven’t got any updates on this at the moment - we don’t have any concrete plans to add this endpoint in the near future.

Roughly how many ideas are you updating per month, and is there anything in particular in Control that makes managing the ideas cumbersome?

We receive about 25 ideas per month which we have to manage. In the control panel, the ideation status and number of votes, for example, aren’t visible in the overviews.

It seems to me like the ideation feature is not really a first-class citizen yet. 

Closing the loop on this old topic ➰,

It’s now possible to update an idea’s status via the API.

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