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Image copyright - what's the quickest way to check the license?

  • 23 July 2020
  • 1 reply

Apart from this quick and easy Google filter (which our legal team has advised isn’t accurate enough to go on alone), what is the quickest way to view and confirm the copyright license of any given image online?



I’m not sure there is a way to achieve that. (But maybe someone else knows more.) I don’t believe it is really possible to have something like a reverse image search and get a trustworthy source and license for images, because every image, if put online once, is usually shared multiple times and it’s almost impossible to have a reliable way of knowing which is the original source and license.

I think it is better to go the other way around (if the task is finding images to safely include into the content).

What we do: We go to websites like Unsplash or Pexels (or other Stock photo websites) and search for images that we want to include into our content. You’ll always find the licenses directly attached to the images. So you don’t need to do any research and you have all information you need to properly credit the creator.
