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Where can I get information on what accessibility features come with Insided out-of-the-box? 

I’ve discussed this with a previous CSM and recall that Insided offers a lot of standard accessibility features and compliance with generally accepted web standards. But a google search and InSpired search has come up empty on specifics. 

Hey @DannyPancratz 

The short answer is I am not sure. 

Roping in @Yoeri or @Julian to see if they know any better.

Ravi from Support was able to give me a report from 2 years ago that should cover what I need (and probably more). 

What would be helpful is a statement on Insided’s approach to accessibility (my sense from the report, and from my previous CSM, is that Insided aims to follow the latest WCAG guidelines) would be helpful to add to product information either here in the KB or on the marketing/sales website. 

Hi all.

I did a quick search for Accessibility in this community and this thread came up so I guess this is my starting point..

A User Research colleague has proposed creating a group for users of our SaaS product who have accessibility issues so we can speak with them, observe their conversations and understand the challenges they face with our products. 

If you have any documentation as noted above, it would be great to get it.


CC @Julian 

Hi Ian,

Thanks for letting us know about this! I would be happy to share the document mentioned above with you as well - as far as I know we are reviewing and updating information now, however I do not believe that too many things have changed since our last assesment. Would that help you further?
