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Salutations fellow creatures of the night. It is with spine-tingling delight that we unveil our 2023 event of the millennium


🕸️️'inSpired' is merging into 'GameChanger' to become one Gainsight community🕸️ to become

Our primary objective is to combine these communities as seamlessly as possible while ensuring that the spirits  of our community members remain unbroken and they continue to progress in their paranormal missions on the merged community. ☠️

Project Goals

🎃 Make it one ghastly multi-product Community for the Gainsight platform: CS, CC, PX and CE

🎃 Saving the world from the treachery of the complicated Community-navigation labyrinth and unearthing some long lost resources

🎃 Unleash more than the sinister 'Admin' persona as we expand the realms of both the Community of Product and Practice ecosystems

🎃 Help members hit the haunted grounds running, keeping all your eerie Activity and points, Roles and sinister contributions, against the new GameChanger ranking system


Phases and Timeline:

The 😈 is in the details, we have not rushed:

  1. Planning & Discovery: Since beginning of this year completed a detailed discovery and dependency mapping of the two Communities including merger points and shivering unification decisions to carry out this supernatural transition. ✅
  2. Design and Strategy: Working with our Services team to scope the project and provision the necessary otherworldly environments. Design assets and Launch planned in cold blood. aOngoing]
  3. Migrate & Merge: Dec 4-7, 2023

    migrate user data, content, and relevant resources from both communities into the newly merged platform preserving the spine-chilling user experience. This phase would also include the post migration Testing and QA, basically when we identify and exorcise any issues in the merged community platform.

    Through the dark hours of the merger, both the Communities shall remain available for content-consumption only, aka Read-only mode.

  4. Launch & Onboarding: Dec 7. Once we are confident about the cryptic stability and functionality of the merged community, we will officially summon it and lead members unto the hallowed grounds.
  5. Ongoing Support & Eval: The following week. We will keep a watchful eye on the spectral developments following the merger, listen to your unearthly feedback, and deal with any awakened dead of the migration with swift and lethal moves.

Let the revelry begin 

So before the turn of the year, we would have successfully merged 'inSpired' and 'GameChanger' communities, ensuring an enhanced ghost-ghost collaboration and your uninterrupted paranormal progress through it.


Mark your calendars: Together we create a hauntingly vibrant, brave new Community world! 🦇

-Happy Halloween-

Looking forward with this!

Do you have or are you going to recruite early birdies for testing? I am volunteer of course 😃

Looking forward with this!

Do you have or are you going to recruite early birdies for testing? I am volunteer of course 😃

Oh yes Sir... We’ll be in touch. 😊

Looking forward to it, I know migrations are a big ask!

Looking forward to it, I know migrations are a big ask!

Thank you. Looking forward to absorb any ‘migration-experience’ out there

🔑 Please note that we would have to Reset our passwords when we have migrated to the new GameChanger community on the week of Dec 4.
