Internationalizing your community and staffing

  • 16 August 2023
  • 1 reply


I am curious to know how others have staffed their community as they branch out into supporting multiple languages. Here are a few things we are considering: 

  1. Bringing in Champions who are multi-lingual to help (this gets tricky because we cannot guarantee that we would receive applicants with this skillset)
  2. Including other internal employees who have language skills and are able to help with staffing (this gets tricky with buy-in/bandwidth)
  3. Contracting out folks who can help with responses (this gets tricky when it can difficult to predict when/for how long you would need someone)
  4. Hiring a net-new role (this gets tricky when you are looking to support many languages)

What have you tried and what has worked well?



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  • Including other internal employees who have language skills and are able to help with staffing (this gets tricky with buy-in/bandwidth)


That’s what we’ve done for a while, when we had an english-speaking community and a couple groups for spanish and dutch users. As the # of inquiries was manageable (just a handful each week),  instead of hiring a new CM, we “borrowed” a colleague from the customer support team to take care of those questions. 

It worked well most of the time; you just need to make sure that the colleague knows the community goals, strategy etc. (and doesn’t just go straight to answering posts)
