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In our community some of the first topics are written by a person no longer working with the community. I wish to change the author from her to me as I am now the person our members are interacting with and I would like them to see my face on the introduction threads and similar topics. Is this possible? How do I fix it?




Hi Mette,

It's not currently possible to change the author of a topic - I don't believe we have any open ideas about this on our ideation board - I'd recommend submitting one here 🙂

Questions I already have that would be useful info to include when you submit the idea: what kind of topics do you need to change the author to? Are other members reaching out to the original topic author (mentioning them, sending private messages?)

Thanks a lot for your question!

Hi @Mette-rM ?,

Just to close the loop on this question, it is now possible to change the author for articles and product updates now.


Check the product update here:

And the documentation here:


