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I’d like to entice some of our customers toward using the search which has a few federated searches incorporated, BUT I want the users to register using SSO before…

I can send them to and append the search term they are after in the link but would it be possible to deep link them to that page after they register?

NOTE: I just tried to write a script that redirects users to the SSO login page if the URL contains the parameter “&deepsso”. 

<!-- Deep Linking the Search page -->
if ("&deepsso")) {
window.location.href = 'SSOLINKHERE';

However this resulted in login in the user to the homepage…?

If not possible could we perhaps convert to an idea? cc @olimarrio 

Hi Greg,

You should be able to specify the return url using the returnUrl parameter

So something like:

@bas gonna have to try this! Thank you very much!
