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Hi there,

I have seen the option to include external content in the community search results. This is great and I will definitely look into it. But I am also curious if there is an option the other way around?  So that we can show community content in the search results of our corporate website? Maybe with the API?


Sounds like you are talking about the Embeddable Widget, which you can find here:


You can find plenty of information on this here in the Knowledge base: 

But you can also see it for yourself from the Control of your community with the little blue tab on the right….

Thanks for your reaction! We allready use the embeddable widget in the control area for our customers.

What I am looking for is to include community content in the search bar of our support section on our website. So that customers / potential customers who are not (yet) members of our community can see the community content. But maybe it is only possible with the embeddable widget?

@Ebbe the only alternative will be the API which would allow you full freedom on the content of course. But it does sound like you are describing the Embeddable widget in page version as opposed to the conversational pop-up, but maybe I misunderstand.

Some colleagues are using the API to surface up recent articles and product updates in a “news feed” on another platform. So I think the API would be an option for you.

There’s also a good old fashioned RSS feed as options, although documentation on it is light here on Inspired. This answer gives you the best info on the two RSS feed options available to you. 

Note: I think this only works for public content that doesn’t need to be authenticated. There’s this idea you could vote for if authenticated RSS feeds would be beneficial to you. 

And I have an open question as to how RSS feeds work for private communities


Hi @Ebbe

Could this be achieved via unified/federated search?

Federated search is a search technique that involves indexing multiple data sources at once, then presenting this variety of results to users in one unified interface

It should be able to index your help center and community content on support pages. 

Thanks all for the answers! I'll dig deeper into the API and the RSS feed:ok_hand:
