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Main use case here: 

Pre-filling of third party forms hosted on the community, or passing on the email address via UTM parameters for a better user experience.

Hi Greg, sadly this is not available out of the box as we don’t include the email address in the object - it was highlighted as a potential security risk internally.

To get the email address of the user - you would have to make an API call with the user ID and pass the returned email address back. However you’d need a middleware backend piece of kit to do the API authorisation as you don’t want to be exposing your API Credentials in the front end code.

If you’re not easily able to procure a server to host this, I’d suggest using an iPaaS tool like Zapier or to accept a user ID passed to it, do the API authorisation piece and return the user account to the front end. A bit of a longwinded workaround but a solution that some customers have implemented before.

I’d definitely post an idea about this to the ideas page as I can clearly see its value, also other fields like custom profile fields or custom user roles could also be useful to have in the front end too.
