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We have several hundred individuals who are certified in our product, and we would like to award them a badge in the community. If I have an Excel sheet with all of their email addresses, is it possible to import them into the community and provision the badge?

Note that some of these people are in the community, others are not. But ideally, we’d love the ability to have it set in a way that once they do log into the community through SSO, the badge is automatically added to their profile. 

That is an interesting one! I think there are a few ways to achieve this… But none can be automated from Control only that I know.

I’ve suggested a few things that could help previously, such as: 



But  if I had to do this I would likely rely on the API, but I think this can also all be done via Zapier; Assuming you have a static list from the sound of things, I would do:


SUMMARY: For each new user, the Zap would use Javascript to create a variable that has all the email addresses I want to add a badge to; and then filter if that list contains the specific email of that person that just joined, and if so assign the badge.


Hope this helps!
