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Something that I’ve noticed a lot is that whenever my permissions get changed - especially when I’m granted additional roles - I get booted out of the forums instantly and have to log back in. As a result, if I’m in the middle of writing something when Tim makes changes to my roles, everything I’ve written so far goes down the drain without warning. It’s also causing painful experiences for some of the other members as well - not least because it almost looks like you’ve been “banned” when in reality you haven’t.

Is there any way of making permission changes a bit less aggressive to apply? I can understand booting users out of the session when permissions are reduced, but it’s not ideal UX for things to suddenly go poof without an obvious explanation.

Hi @Blastoise186!

Apologizes on the delay on this, I am working on closing out older unanswered questions. Changing permissions on users does not auto log out the user anymore. On the next page change/refresh they will get the new permission functionality.



Nice! That’s already sounding a lot smoother than ever. Thanks!
