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Just getting started with the Ideation module.  Before I can pitch an integration to my IT team to build to our product management tool, I wanted to spend a little time doing the “integration” manually.  Export to Excel and then upload or retype into our product management tool.

When I export the ideas, you get the title, # of votes, status, etc.  BUT you do not get the description or any comments.

The specific users who voted would also be good to see, and I see that someone else has already asked for this.

It appears that these fields might be available in the integration to ProductBoard & others.  Can they be available to those of us who are low tech & need Excel?

Hi there @susans , welcome to inSpired.

As far as I can tell, there doesn’t seem to be a documented way to do this right now, but I definitely see where you’re coming from. Please do feel free to post this as an Idea if you’d like to.

@daniel.boon has previously handled a few similar posts, so I’ll see if he is around just in case he can offer any thoughts. In the meantime, it may be possible to ask for a CSV Export of your Ideation data manually via inSided Support. Alternatively, the inSided API Documentation might be helpful. You might be able to use this to download the missing Ideation data and then convert that to CSV - although Excel is pretty good at importing data from various formats and there’s always converters if needed.

Hi @susans  - what @Blastoise186 said is a pretty good summary. However, some data points like specific users who voted are also not available via API.

Which product management tool are you using out of interest? And which data is most critical / how do you see having the full description and replies helping the users of that tool?

The workaround I can suggest in lieu of having all of this data is to provide those users with the URL to the idea so that they can check some of the extra data themselves. This is the same approach that our (beta) Productboard integration currently works.

Thanks @daniel.boon for the follow-up.  We use our own software (Intapp’s OnePlace) to manage our product requests and roadmap.   We can import the requests from the extracted csv file (and/or evolve to using an integration).

Was hoping to have the description available as part of the export to prevent our PM’s from having to log into another tool to really see the details and/or to save the people doing the ‘entry’ from the Community from having to cut & paste.

We will likely use your suggested work-around & post the url as the description, it’s just a lot of extra clicking. 

Thanks for the detailed explanation @susans, clear!

I can understand the need around keeping your PMs in one location so your request makes sense to me - I’ve noted this down in our own product management tool for any moment where we decide to invest more in making it possible to export/extract additional data.

I am in the same situation as @susans when she says:

Was hoping to have the description available as part of the export to prevent our PM’s from having to log into another tool to really see the details and/or to save the people doing the ‘entry’ from the Community from having to cut & paste.


Has there been any solution since this thread was last updated? I still can’t find a way to export Idea descriptions.
