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I really like how these widgets are built on the insided community main page. Which widget was selected in order to do this?

We have a few initiatives I would love to be able to promote on our main  a similar fashion

I think both are out-of-the-box Banner widgets. You can add images and position them Right, Left, Center and add up to two buttons, in addition to text. I’ve used it for similar layouts. 

Banner widget in the widget library



Two images of the Dev Tools Elements view confirming it’s the banner widget


Thanks @DannyPancratz appreciate the help on this! With your help I managed to figure it out now :) 


I also did try using a HTML widget in a 2:1 container. But that just was not as easy on the eyes.


The banner widget gave everything I needed.

oof… yeah that HTML widget can be a bit tricky! Thank goodness for chatgpt, i was able to prompt it to spit out some html code to “Kinda” achieve what I was looking to do with another widget
