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I’m planning to dramatically re-organize my category structure for our Community and Knowledge Base modules. 

Any advice from those who have done something like this previously? What don’t I know? What should I plan for? 

One initial challenge is...

It seems that I can’t move a child category from one parent category to another, so that means I’ll need to

  1. Make the new child category
  2. Move the existing content to the new category
  3. delete the old category
  4. Figure out how to redirect the old links for the previous child category
  5. Delete the previous child category

Not ideal. I’m not sure #4 and #5 are both possible. Broken links (if i delete the category) might not be able to be redirected, even with a third party script… 

I had to do the above with several categories. I was surprised to see we didn’t seem to have a problem with links and things seemed to redirect OK. I have since noticed it appears you can move a child category to a new parent category. I haven’t had to do it yet but would do that way in the future.


Wow, thanks so much @Chris Hackett! I hadn’t clicked into the category so I wasn’t seeing that Change Parent Category option; I was just trying to drag and drop. That’s a BIG relief!

Glad to hear you’ve done something like this with minimal issues. 

Hi @DannyPancratz 

With regards to the redirect, it is the topic ID that is the most important, and that always remains constant no matter where you more the content. So should be no issue there.

Rather than delete OLD categories, repurpose them and rename them to the new naming convention. Hopefully you do not have any reference in you articles / topics to the categories.

I mean the sort of “see XXXXX Category for more info”


If you have to move multiple topics between categories, you can use the Content Overview Tab in Control to multi-select and do it in bulk.


Hi @DannyPancratz, in my previous life - as a community manager - as a last project I restructured the categories of the community. 

Sounds like an open door, but first start your project with: Why, What and then How?

Why (what problem do you want to solve):
- For a better navigation over the community for end users
- Update and remove old Product names
- Pruning of non-relevant content
- Activate more users in a specific category 
- Stimulate SEO
- >X,Y,Z...]

Now you have it clear why you're doing this, you can prioritize and scope the size of your project. 

- All Parent Categories and (child) Categories / or leave a part as is?

I would suggest to review all Parent Categories & (child) Categories and then come to the decision to leave as is, or not!

- Review all of your Parent Categories and Categories. 
I can highly recommend you this article for a How to: Review the structure of your community.

- All input above: Like, Bulk actions to transfer to one and another categories. 

PS. I combined this with an archiving project of all content (topics). So we also made a (massive) list of underperforming (SEO), non-relevant topics to migrate it with an API to a hidden Archive. 
