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Hi everyone! The way the Events page is set up makes it confusing for users when there’s an external registration link. Has anyone added an extra registration button or been able to link the Attend button? Anything else to make the page support events better?

Hi, Libby. Insided has indicated they’re working on functionality for redirecting the attend button to an external registration page. 

It was in this product update from early October and again in this one from January.  Optimistically it might coming soon, but it’s tough to tell how priorities may have shifted since the Gainsight acquisition. 

A good question for your CSM or for someone from the Insided team to update on estimated timeline (something they, like most product teams, don’t like to specify 🙂


Until it’s here, my team’s approach has been to use CSS to hide the attend button on our event pages. And then we use the link functionality in the event setup to link to registration. It’s less prominent and less intuitive, but it removes the confusion you mention. 

We use Zapier to integrate with the event platforms we use. You can set it up so an RSVP on your events page automatically enrolls and avoids all this hassle. 

Looks like this was delivered today!

