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Hi all

We have successful set up one-click event registration using the Marketo X Insided ZAP.

In the ZAP you can choose a Marketo LIST, which the registrants are added to.

However it appears the ZAP just looks at any ‘New Attendee’ in the whole of Insided (and therefore, ANY event we have listed). Meaning, I cannot have 2 events listed at the same time as registrants for both events would be added to same Marketo List.

Have I missed something?

Is this the expected behaviour? If so, could it be raised as an urgent improvement?

Thank you!


CC ​​​@Julian 

Thanks for sharing this here!

Can you set a filter after the new attendee stage? You could then send the users from specific events to the Marketo lists you want.

Let me know if that helped you!

It doesn’t look like it, none of the ‘Events’ in Zapier after the initial Trigger (New Attendee) allow me to pick the specific event that the ‘New Attendee’ is from..

My colleagues provided me with some screenshots which will hopefully help you with that:

The filter can be set on the event id:


You should then be able to select this in the filter:

And then, you can select the Marketo list you want to add the user to:


Hope this helps?
