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Moderation overview: How to exclude questions from a view?

  • 10 February 2021
  • 3 replies

This is the scenario:

In the new moderation overview I want to create a custom view that shows:

  • Questions, that don’t have a solution yet
  • where the last reply is older than X days
  • where a follow up was already done
  • and we’re waiting for the customer to react (or mark the solution)

The goal is to have a list of questions that either need another follow-up (we can do that with a moderation label) or where we will click “Best answer” ourselves because the user didn’t do it.

So, the first three bullet points above are easy to do with the available filters:

  • Content type → question / best answer → no
  • Last activity date → more than …
  • (if a follow-up was done, the moderation label “follow-up” will be switched off)

But for the last condition we haven’t found a solution. We couldn’t find a way of removing questions from the custom view, where we won’t do another follow-up AND we won’t click “Best answer” ourselves. Basically we want to remove all questions from the list that likely won’t ever have a solution in order to keep this list clean without it clogging up with unsolvable questions.

How can I highlight / mark / label questions so that we can exclude it from the custom view? In the old moderation overview we had the option to exclude certain conditions. In the new moderation overview it seems impossible.

Any help is appreciated!


 Basically we want to remove all questions from the list that likely won’t ever have a solution in order to keep this list clean without it clogging up with unsolvable questions.


I might be misunderstanding you here, but i’ll take the chance :D

Would it be an idea to remove the question mark from the topic to begin with?

We regularly ‘clean’ the community from questions that will never have an answer for a variety of reasons. (Questions is the default choice when users start a new topic, they don’t always change that)

Upper right hand corner in a topic in control:

More options: Drop down and click “convert to conversation”, that removes the option for that topic to have a ‘best answer’.

Thank you for this suggestion!

I haven’t thought about converting a question into a discussion. It would solve the issue regarding the filtered list. But I have to think more about potential disadvantages. For example, just because we don’t have a solution (yet), doesn’t necessarily mean that it wasn’t a real question in the first place. Another thing: Maybe some statistics (e.g. number of topic per content type, solution rate, etc.) would get diluted.

The easiest (and maybe only clean) solution, in my opinion, would be to get back the ability to exclude fields. In the new overview we can only say “Include this and that into the list”, but we can’t say “Don’t show this if this or that applies”.

You can always add in the question again, if a genuine solution is offered further down the line.

With that said, I agree that being able to exclude multiple things from a filter will come in quite handy, in particular mod tags and public tags.

