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Hi all,

We've noticed that the replies of the best marked answers are being displayed differently then before: 


Thought this might be an issue with our own Community, but just checked with others and they have the same lay-out as well. Is there a way to adjust this on our end, because personally we're not really loving this white-green-lay-out.

Thanks in advance!

Hi David, apologies this was a display issue that has been corrected - marked answers should be back to normal now :slight_smile:

@David T-Mobile  I appear to have jumped the gun, its currently in the deploy queue now - should be deployed very shortly though. I’ll post here as soon as I can see it’s live.

Hi @tom.shaddock,

Thanks for the quick reply! On our end we’re back to all-green answers. :ok_hand:

ok great - yep the fix has gone out now, glad to hear its back to normal!
