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Currently, rich topic cards cannot be made to open in a new tab as they are injected into the page after the page has already loaded, meaning that they don't actually exist yet on the page at the time of when third party scripts are being applied to the community. 

My wish is to allow users when clicking on a rich topic card’s internal community link to have it open in a new tab.

Hi @LauriG !

Is this still a problem for you guys? I just headed over there with my phone and was able to long press links to open them in new tabs just fine. I'm also not seeing any issues with right clicking either. 

The usual behaviour on the internet is to have internal links open in the same tab, whereas external links open in a new tab. Changing this will most likely frustrate most of your users.

Internal links should never open in new browser tabs, but rather the same tab the user is on.

Opening new tabs of the same website is redundant and confusing. If it’s the same website but a different page, users will use the navigation menu to navigate back or elsewhere if they need. Keeping users in the same tab helps them better understand the navigation flow of your site.



That’s why I second what @Blastoise186 is saying: If users want to diverge from the standard behaviour and open internal links in a new tab, then they should use the context menu (long press on mobile or right click on desktop).
