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To connect my ABM software, RollWorks, to the community I need to provide a privacy notice at the bottom of every page in my community. I am not seeing a way to add that beyond the homepage. Please help!

You should be able to post a link to a notice in the footer of your site and direct that to a topic which outlines the details. You’ll find the custom footer in Control under: CUSTOMIZATION > FOOTER and you can either use the default, SSI, or custom code. Details: 

In our case we link offsite to a wider organizational policy so that’s also an option if the content isn’t in your community. Just watch the permissions on that category to make sure it’s accessible to the right people.

Exactly what I wanted to answer here, thanks Scott! :)

Usually this is information for the Footer. Should this not be an option for you (because you already use a Footer without this info via SSI), then you can still add this via Custom CSS.

Let us know if you need further help with this!

Thanks @Scott Baldwin and @Julian ! This solved my problem. I was scared to do the Custom CSS, but with Google’s help I figured out the html. Woohoo!

Happy to hear that! And yes, most of my CSS / HTML knowledge comes from extensive Google search and trial-and-error. 🙂 As long as you do it on staging first, your users won't notice how many attempts it took. ;)
