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Is there any way to lock KB content behind specific community permissions? If I make a new category in the KB, it appears to be immediately public without any way to draft content behind the scenes. 

Hi @mbonnell! Yes, it is possible to create a private KB category by setting up the permissions for which roles you want to allow or not to see it. When clicking on “edit” for a KB category, you can navigate to the Permissions tab and disable visibility and comments permissions for specific roles.

For a more detailed how-to guide, I recommend this article: 


Please let me know if your need or use case is not being met by the information I shared above! 

Thanks @Cristina, is there a specific level of permission needed to set the permissions on the parent category? I don't see that option.

I only see the option you provided after the parent category is made, has child categories, and then the permission model only seems present on the child categories. 

The permissions level is only on the child categories, not the parent one. The reason for this being that you might want to make some categories private and some public but still organise them under the same parent category, and the user will only see the child categories they are permitted. If all child categories are restricted for the role “registered”, for example, then the user will not see the parent category either. 


Got it, thanks @Cristina, that worked. 
