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Hey there community. Is anyone else noticing an uptick in spam user registrations and spam posts?


Our team has had multiple spam users join our community and >30 spam posts posted over the past three days (Friday, March 31 – Sunday, April 2). We have spam prevention turned on and have since also turned on Registration Approvals to avoid letting spam users into our platform.


I’d love to hear if anyone else is experiencing this, or if any of you have additional tips for how to resolve.


Thank you!


@erin.brisson @elliott.vickrey 

I hate to say it, but I’m afraid it’s a constant game of Whack-A-Mole unfortunately. There’s not really a perfect Anti-Spam solution that’ll get rid of 100% of spammers with 0% false positives and spammers are always trying to bypass the systems.

The best thing that users can do is to report the posts on-sight. If you’re lucky to have users who are as active as I am, you could see if they’d be up for monitoring the Recently Active feed to watch for potential spam, but ultimate there’s not much else you can do to prevent it.

I have seen an uptick in stealthy spammers as well in recent times. I’m in discussions with inSided privately about some counter-measures but I can’t discuss them out in the open to prevent them getting ideas.

Thank you @Blastoise186!
