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Hey inSiders I believe I know the answer to this but looking for confirmation.


Let’s say I have these custom user roles:

  • Apple
  • Orange
  • Banana


I have a parent category named: Fruit


Now let’s say I want a child category under Fruit, called Apple.
In this child category, I only want the custom user role of “Apple” to be able to view this child category. The user roles Orange and Banana should not be able to see it. 

And this would continue, so under the parent category Fruit, I would have child categories called: Orange, Banana. And I would only want them to be visible to their respective custom user roles.


In order to accomplish this, I would need to set up my forum so:

  Parent Category: Fruit Child Category: Apple Child Category: Orange Child Category: Banana
Apple custom role visible visible No No
Orange custom role visible No visible No
Banana custom role visible No No visible


Is that correct? Does anyone have a similar set up in their community?

Hi @security_lion !


Your logic is correct and this is the setup you should have for your parent and child categories, whereas if you want the Apple custom role to be the only one with visibility over the Apple child category, the other ones must be denied this permission.


However, by default the categories are created and the primary roles (such as ‘Registered users’, ‘Super User’ and so on) will have permission to view any category because they have priority over the permissions of custom roles.
With this in consideration, you must remove the permission for the primary roles you do not want to have visibility over determined categories.


For example, for the Apple child-category and Apple custom-role the configuration must be this one (note that the Banana custom-role does not have any permission to view the Apple category, but also the Default (primary) role of ‘Registered User’ does not have visibility over this child-category):


Hope this sheds a bit of light to your question!

@hhgomesc It certainly does and you don’t just extra brownie points - but the whole brownie tray (!) for testing it out and sending a screenshot of the set up. Thank you so much!
