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  1. It seems that when you view the Results from Control it displays the post´s original location (=category). But, if you export Report to csv, there you can see the location where the post is moved (if it is moved). Why the moved posts and their location cant be seen from Control, without exporting them to csv? There are times when I dont want to export data and the subforum data should be ok, no matter where to look at.
  2. When I export Analysis report to csv, all the posts doesn´t have subforum & post creation time & username data? They have only postID & post_url & post_description data and nothing else.

Not sure about #1 but for #2, your export the posts report it should contain 17 columns.   

Not sure about #1 but for #2, your export the posts report it should contain 17 columns.   

I cant remember exactly how many columns there are but I think less than 17. Even so, all posts doesnt include all the data.

I have created a ticket for this and I will share info to everyone:


  1. It seems that when you view the Results from Control it displays the post´s original location (=category). But, if you export Report to csv, there you can see the location where the post is moved (if it is moved). Why the moved posts and their location cant be seen from Control, without exporting them to csv? There are times when I dont want to export data and the subforum data should be ok, no matter where to look at.

When I created this topic, and later on ticket to Support, there were posts where category was wrong when viewing Report from Control. For some reason, few days later, categories updated (automatically?) and categories displayed then ok. I have to monitor this now, does this occur again.


  1. When I export Analysis report to csv, all the posts doesn´t have subforum & post creation time & username data? They have only postID & post_url & post_description data and nothing else.

I got nice tip for this, I have to open .csv file like this and then all the data can be seen.

Normally I have done like this:

  1. .csv file → Open to Excel
  2. I activate column A
  3. I go to the “Data tab” and choose “Text to columns”
  4. Delimited → Next → Comma → Finish

This will split the data to the columns but for some reason it deletes some data during the process. Is there anyone who know how/why this happens? I am using Macbook, is this just because Office for MacOS is…. 😗 😀
