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Hi all, I'm interested in starting a "bug bounty" program, where customers could submit bugs through the community. Would it be possible to keep these bugs hidden from customers, and only allow employees to view them? 

Hi all, I'm interested in starting a "bug bounty" program, where customers could submit bugs through the community. Would it be possible to keep these bugs hidden from customers, and only allow employees to view them? 

Using just inSided platform for that, it is impossible though.

You mean that employees can view them in the community?

One workaround could be that you embed third party tool to the side banner (for example) where customers can report bugs. Results can be viewed then elsewhere than community.

Another solution is to create an HTML webform and use the HTML widget to embed the form. 

There’s a way you could set it up so that they don’t need to input their email, userId, username, etc. @Alistair FIeld helped us with something similar based on a previous form on this community. 

From there, you could use Zapier or a similar tool to create the post on the community in a forum only staff has access to. Or you could send it to another internal system if you’d like. 

The benefit of this approach is that you could tie it to gamification. 

  • If you have it create the post, they’d get points from creating the post, likes, etc through your gamification settings
  • Or you could award custom point totals through Zapier. You can do that even if you don’t create the post on the community. 

Note on the first option above: I’m not 100% certain you can have Zapier create posts from users who don’t have permissions to access that category. 
