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We notice something doesn't work correctly when searching via the search bar. When typing the topic (at our community) web designer (mind with a space and the correct spelling) no results for web designer pop up.

When typing webdesigner (without space and the wrong spelling) the results pop-up.

Thanks in advance for diving into this




We are experiencing the same thing, any insight into what might be happening here? 


Search results are not returning relevant content with some search terms but will for others that are almost exactly the same. 

Hi @petra.halenbeek and @Michael,


I know you both contacted us about this a few months ago so I just wanted to share this product update as a result of our AB testing for search results :grinning:



Many thx @olimarrio for the improvements. Now the correct results pop-up even with and without space;0)

@petra.halenbeek Excellent news!
