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Is there a way to shorten a KB article URL? 

@Dkreiger are you referring to services such as Bitly:
As far as I know you cannot change URLs apart from the title of the article. Note that if you change the title of the article the url will update as well. (No publishing under a short title and then updating to a full title...)

@Vishwas Katti you’d mentioned non-canonical URLs that are shorter and resolve to the full canonical URL, but I’m not sure how you obtain these, maybe it could be of use...

Hey @Dkreiger so there are a few ways I can think of to shorten your url:

  • The first one is what @SmartlyGreg mentioned and use a link shortener for your url
  • The second way I can think of is to use the private ID and content type in the url, for example this topic could be shortened to just: - but I can appreciate it might not be so easy to find out the private ID number for a particular post (getting this via the API is the easiest way)
  • The third way is by ‘tricking’ the platform using the public category ID and public post ID, an example of this would be: Doing it this way would trick the platform into redirecting the user to the correct post as it will look at the public post ID + category number and then redirect you to the specific topic. Also note that the c + t characters in the url can be substituted to anything e.g:

Hope you find these tips useful!

@tom.shaddock et al,

Just a side question. Is the url for the KB articles able to NOT have the id number? Can we just use a url with category and article titles?


Thanks in advance.
