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We’re running into an issue with our community:


Our Community is private right now. We have SSO and we have a activation code requirement for account creation. Several users were able to create accounts using SSO, and were never required to enter the activation code. Is this a bug, or do we need to disable SSO to make the community private?

Hi @MackenzieK  yep this is correct - you would need to disable SSO in order to use only the activation code functionality, if SSO is enabled it will override this and indeed allow users to signup/sign in via SSO.

With it enabled there will be 2 separate login flows - the first one being via SSO and the other one being via activation code / normal inSided login.

If you require an activation code for users to be able to create an account and have SSO enabled - then this would mean you would need to build the activation code functionality on the SSO side of things (which may indeed be quite a bit of work to do).


Sorry to hear that you are facing problems here.

I checked this with a colleague and indeed it seems to be the case that the activation code will not be required in this specific configuration. Usually, if a configuration includes an SSO, communities are not set to private and do not require an activation code - as users accessing via SSO are regarded as trusted users.

There are several ways to tackle this in a different way, but I don’t have a technical background and am not familiar with the context of user management on your community. I am not sure if you can provide a bit more context, so we can think of possible options?

How do users receive an activation code currently?

Thanks @Julian — happy to provide a bit more context!

First and foremost: we have temporarily solved this issue by disabling SSO. Appreciate your clarification @tom.shaddock :)

On to describing our use-case: my organization has a customer base which can be segmented with relative ease along each of its products (which is to say, a customer of product A may not necessarily be a customer of product B, but all customers create an account with a login and password on our product platform).

Because this is our first time launching an online community, we’re rolling it out to customers on a per-segment basis (almost like a beta)— and inviting customers to the community via email with the activation code. We didn’t realize that enabling SSO would override our other platform settings, so we turned that on as well to make it as easy as possible for our community experience to feel native to the rest of our online tools.

Then my boss reached out and asked if the community was still private, because several of her associates were able to create accounts using SSO, and I created this post to check in and try to understand why that was possible. 

All this to say, if this is working as intended, I’m not sure what the workaround here would be, except to turn off SSO. Maybe this is more of a feature request!

