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Hey there, 

I am wondering if y’all have some strategies to share that helped grow your unique user number on your community. I know creating more content and advertising will help here, but was curious to hear if there are any specific tactics that worked well for you. Thanks!


Hi @cstrange,

I am working for a SaaS company, we are having a B2B community, where the support area is public. I am happy to name a few points which made an impact for us: 

  • We have inserted the Community Registration as one step in our Implementation with a short pitch, so that new customers know about the offering and feel comfortable using it the first time. 
  • We are displaying Community and Helpcenter Solutions in our Support Hub, so that people looking for a solution are getting the best search result. (All our customers are using the Support Hub a lot as it was there first.) When they want to comment or post themselves, they have to sign up. - It works quite well as a teaser. 
  • Our product deals with sensitive data, therefore only specific employees can contact our support within the tool. If someone has more general questions, they can reach out in the Community, it is accessible for everyone. (It’s not a main driver, but also has a little impact)
  • We made the Community visible in other parts of the Product and at touchpoints which are suitable. Also on trade fairs and events. 
  • In general, we have one very active community and at some point I believe that the activity on the platform was inviting and the reason for people to sign up. (Key element: Our Superuser Program)
  • Small, but also working for us and this might be interesting for B2C customers as well. When there is an occasion we sometimes organize raffles and place them not only in the Community Newsletter, but in our other Newsletters, in which it fitted in. 

What is your Community and Company setup? 
I am happy to exchange more about this. One of our 2 Communities is quite active, for the other one, I am also looking into points of improvement. 

