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A previous platform provider we used allowed for “sub communities” or sub forums to be created in additional languages. Example: User would click a drop down and select that they want the Japanese community. 

Google research and back end poking around doesn’t really definitively answer this for me. To be clear, I am not looking to create a sub forum within groups or categories, but a separate community altogether in another language that mirrors the English community. 

Any intel would be appreciated. Thanks! 

Hey @mcooksey, do you mean something like this?

Unfortunately, this is something our platform does not support at the moment, this picture is just a preview of what we are planning to do.

We do have this topic where we are gathering feedback on different approaches to improve and innovate on the multi-language experience on a community - feel free to chip in there ?

It is possible to have multiples instances for different languages if you’re interested in that. As an example, Deezer has all these communities: 

Thanks, yes, that answers my question. Much appreciated! 
