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I use the Success Dashboard a lot in order to track the amount of asked questions and amount of answered questions in given timeframes. We want to keep both numbers as high as possible, of course.

In our community, we sometimes convert discussions into questions and vice versa.

Here’s my question about how these stats behave for previous months, in case a change is made now:

  • When I convert a question (e.g. from last month) into a discussion, will the number of “questions asked” decrease by 1?
  • Same for vice versa: If I convert a discussion into a question, will the number increase?
  • what happens If I convert an answered question into a discussion?





OK, I just figured I can test this out on my own.

If I convert questions into discussions and vice versa,  the number indicated does not change.
So one can assume that these stats refer to the “amount of times a topic was submitted as question” and not “how many questions currently exist, that were submitted in that month”



Hey, just saw this flying by and it made me think… DId you check the Dashboard directly after converting the content?

From what I know, the Dashboards actually do reflect changes that you have made - so the numbers should also change. But, I also know that the Dashboards do update themselves in intervals. I am not entirely sure but it could take up to 4 hours for the system to check and update the Dashboard with the latest information.

Hence, I would recommend to check again a bit later (in case you have not converted it back already) just to be on the safe side. Happy to check this with the Analytics team in case my theory does not prove to be right. :)

Cheers @Julian! I will test it out again now and check back in 4 and 6 hours if the numbers changed. Will leave a comment here! 

Yup, I converted a question to a discussion and the amount of “questions asked” went down after a few hours!

This means that the Dashboards reflect changes that have been made afterwards.

Great, thanks for confirming! :)
