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I am experimenting with the API to see what information I can get from InSided using the API. I am referring to the documentation here...

...and have started getting results with this. However, the documentation says that an array will be returned. It isn’t an array that is returned. Records for users are numbered like this….

    "0": {
        "userid": "1",
        "usergroupid": "0",
        "membergroupids": "",
        "displaygroupid": "0",
        "username": "Anthony",
        "email": "",
        "posts": "5",
        "deleted_posts": "0",
        "options": "1024",
        "autosubscribe": "1",

This might seem trivial, but it makes it harder to work with if the documentation says something that is very different to what you actually get. The documentation also appears to leave a few fields out. Is there an update to this documentation somewhere?

Thanks, Richard


Thanks for reporting. I will follow up internally and make sure things are rectified. 


Thanks for getting back to me so promptly @Alistair FIeld 

Hey @rhall, we are aware of this issue in this specific API endpoint and there’s an engineering ticket in progress that should fix this in the next sprint. I will let you know here once this is fixed.

Alternatively, you can submit a support ticket sending an email to so you can be automatically notified via email when this issue is fixed.


Thank you for letting us know about this 😁 - if you see any other issues in our API, please let us know!

Thanks for letting me know @leo-inspired. I’m just playing around at the moment, so will keep an eye on this until we start building and possibly need it.
