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Hi there, 

Im trying to figure a way to pull out a report that shows me the most active users on a given time range (month, week, year, etc). I’d like to get this report on a csv. 

Is there a way to get this data? When I export the user report via csv it only gives me the data for those who signed up within the time range selected, but what I want to see is the most active within that time instead. 


Hey @Gabolino - what activity are you considering for your active users reporting? 

Our Post export would help you understanding who is creating the most topics/replies on the community in a given time range. However, it doesn’t contain likes or visits.

Hey @daniel.boon , thanks for that, I checked it out but since it’s post-led as opposed to user-led it doesn’t really help me I think. 

I guess what Im looking for is that the CSV and full picture version of the leaderboard? Is there a report to find the most active users based on number of posts, likes, answers, etc? This would be the most useful report of all as far as I’m concerned. 

@Gabolino  - Is the info you need in the User dashboard? You can sort those by posts, likes, answers, etc. You’d basically just need an export of that dashboard?

There’s a fiddly (but it does the job) workaround to export this from user dashboard @Gabolino 

Check out this thread :slight_smile:

@Gabolino  - Is the info you need in the User dashboard? You can sort those by posts, likes, answers, etc. You’d basically just need an export of that dashboard?


I need this on a CSV so I can separate users in bands and craft my own rewards system, but I need a comprehensive doc of all users and their actions per month. So unfortunately the user dashboard is not in the right format for me. 

I’ll check that out @m4rc !

There’s a fiddly (but it does the job) workaround to export this from user dashboard @Gabolino 

Check out this thread :slight_smile:

Oops couldn't access that thread. @Marion Frecaut could you enable me pl?

Unfortunately… It seems no-one can access that post anymore. It appears to have been flagged for moderation and has since been moved to an evidence locker.

On the plus side, it appears that the post still exists, so it might be possible for someone to salvage the info you’re after.

Looks like something’s gone wrong with the link, but the idea is still available here:

Please note though that the workaround mentioned there should not be necessary anymore ?


You can export user data via Analytics → Export. There, you can create an all time User export which will produce a CSV file where you can see, profile information, number of topics, replies, last activity etc.

@Alistair FIeld I tried this but there are people who show up as “Top users” in analytics but are not in the csv export.


was the date filter the same between analytics and the export?

@Alistair FIeld Yes. This person that I spot checked for is our most active community member, too. So it’s strange he’s not on there.

ok, I think I understand now.

@esthertrapadoux as noted in the original topic, the user report is who registered in the date range selected for the report. NOT the activity per user within that range.

You need to do a POST export and then pivot table on username to get your active users.
