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Hello everyone,

We are currently facing a challenge, any advice or suggestions would be highly valuable to us. 

We serve two types of clients: accountants and their clients, who are SMEs. Presently, we have an online community specifically designed for accountants. However, we have noticed a growing number of SMEs visiting the accountant community and posting their questions there, even though the content available does not cater to their needs.

To address this issue, we would like to create a dedicated space or separated forum for our SME clients. Unfortunately, all the data collected will be mixed together, which could make it challenging to manage effectively. 

I was wondering if any of you, are in a similar situation with two distinct client types in your online communities. If so, I would greatly appreciate hearing about your experiences and how you have successfully managed this challenge. 

Thank you all.



Ciao @obleiberg 

My immediate thought is the use of Custom Roles.

Here is a discussion on automation of custom roles.


Assuming you have a method of identifying your accountants, you can give them the Accountant role, Whereas the SMEs can get an SME role.

Your content can then use the role permissions (on a category level) to limit who sees what?  

You could also simply create additional categories to cater for the new audience and let all content be findable by everyone.



Hi @Alistair FIeld,

Thanks for your help! We already use custom role so we are able to identify who is who, I didn’t know there was a way to limit views on a category level. :) 
