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Hi everyone,

We’re in the process of setting up our community on inSided and are about to start writing up some onboarding “FAQs” or articles for our community members. I wanted to see if there were any examples (from your own community or others!) of well-organized and digestible user-facing onboarding resources that we can use as some inspiration.


The types of articles we’re initially looking at creating include:

  1. Getting started (like an intro the platform)
  2. How to start a conversation
  3. How to ask a question
  4. How to submit an idea
  5. What are the different roles
  6. How to set up your profile

Thank you!

We have a whole KB built out with those details, you’re welcome to come check it out but will have to register for our community

You’ll find it under the Get Started menu. 

LOVE IT @Scott Baldwin. 

@kris_o I’m also reading Feverbee’s alternative approach to onboarding emails at the moment. It focuses not on the features of the community, but on changing how the feel and think about the community:



@Scott Baldwin @Onomatopoeia thanks for these! Love both of these approaches; will share with our Engagement team and see which is more aligned with their vision.  

I love the idea of using the knowledge base as onboarding material/ community guidelines section @Scott Baldwin its brilliant, as it makes for a very clear CTA in the navigation. Sadly until InSided allow us to add content types freely (ie. a second Knowledge base section) it might be a challenge for other community managers using it for their tool/ app knowledge base. (I submitted an idea about allowing content types, but thats not the point here...). 

And it made me wonder what options there are for people that cannot use the knowledge base, to put onboarding content in front of the relevant people. Then I realised there is an endpoint in the InSided object for user rank. (And while points might be more appropriate the way we setup ranks means there are newbie ranks). 

So I created a custom HTML element that relies on a small script to show only to people with these early/ newbie ranks. I’m hooping this will work out for us, and has the benefit of being very scalable as we add onboarding material.

I’ve documented this in the Awesome Third party scripts conversation here: 

Hope this helps!
