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I want to add a “Yes/No” type user profile field, and I want to set the default value “No” for all users. However, I don’t see how to define default value of (new) user profile fields. Can anyone help with some guidance? Thank you in advance!

/Per, Denmark

Hey there @perinbox ! :)

I can see where you’re going with this one, but I’m not sure this is quite the right approach. The way that the Profile works is that any fields the user doesn’t fill out in their Profile Settings are automatically hidden and collapsed everywhere else, which helps to reduce the amount of empty whitespace I see when I hover over your name or avatar here and click About.

It’s actually best kept this way, because otherwise profiles could get extremely long without adding much value. Yes/No is definitely useful but it’s not recommended to force a default selection because you can’t always know if “No” is actually what the user intends to have. Keeping it blank by default respects user choice a little more easily and makes sure the field only becomes visible to other users after the user makes a decision themselves. :wink:

You can probably do it with Custom CSS, but I’ve not dug into that enough to be sure.

Hi @Blastoise186 

Thank you for your reply. I intend to use this field to let community users opt-in/out of recurring digest emails. I don’t care about the issues you mention could be a problem if we have many profile fields - we don’t. But we want to send weekly/monthly digest emails to promote community activity, and since Insided doesn’t have any functionality to support this(yet?), we would have leverage it through user export. As we need to allow users a way to opt in/out of these non-transactional emails, it seems a fairly simple task. Add a profile field, configure a default value and go. 

Ahh ok, I see where you’re going there. I guess one hack that you could do is assume that a blank entry on that field means “No” by default. It’s probably the least complicated way to get this to work from a technical perspective and also the one that’s most likely to be compliant with things like GDPR and CAN-SPAM. That would at least make it that if the user doesn’t explicitly choose Yes, then you know they’ve not opted in.

inSided were planning on an email campaigns feature, but it’s been suspended for the time being and might not return anytime soon. There’s more details on that over at the related Product Update.

There’s also some advice that might help too, depending on how you’ve got things set up. Let me see if @daniel.boon and Count @Julian are around though. The never ending points battle between those two can sometimes prove rather… Useful...
