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We use Swiftype for search - Can we integrate the inSided API with this?

  • 10 February 2021
  • 1 reply

Swiftype powers our help documentation search. We’d like to edit this so that the search will also query our Communty posts. Is this possible and if so, how would we go about this?

I was not able to verify if Swiftype supports such a search integration (this differs between vendors), however in general this should be possible by using our API. There are different ways of implementing this, without much technical knowledge I can say that usually people use our community API in order to retrieve information on all content on your community. Swiftype then will use this data if a user performs a search.

We can actually help you with such an integration as a professional services engagement, should you not have the internal ressources to investigage and implement it yourself. Just let your CSM know that you’d like to receive our help.
