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Hi all,

the "Got a question?" category is just the right spot to ask your question!

What can I ask questions about?

Almost everything. 🙂 It does not matter if you think you found a bug, or if you are having questions about why and how to use certain features of the platform. As soon as it's answered we might move it to a different board, so that other users can find it more easily.

Two important tips:

  • Search first: Chances are high that your question has been asked before, or that you might find a good article about it in our knowledge base.

  • If it is likely to be a feature request, then you probably should submit it as an idea in our "Got an idea?" category.



We are here to help, so please take a look at our Community Categorisation to get a response from our community of know it alls who are VERY willing to help.

