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Is there documentation for this anywhere? 

What’s will happen if I decide to follow someone? Do I get emails about their posts? Do they show up in a feed somewhere? 

Hey @DannyPancratz - at the moment, the follow member functionality simply acts as a kind of ‘bookmark’ for another member’s profile, so you can go and check out their latest activity there. There’s no impact on the content/notifications a user sees.

In addition, it also impacts a setting in user profiles, where users can chose to only receive private messages from users who they follow.

Thanks, @daniel.boon . Do you know if there are any future developments in the road map for a more active follow?

@DannyPancratz there’s nothing planned for this at the moment. But if you’ve got some ideas in mind, definitely submit them 🙂. I’d be curious to see what other customers think.

Hi @daniel.boon
I was also interested in this topic. Current functionality then seems like only add a bookmark to profile rather than actually following the content that a member would post; I was having the idea that there be a separate tab which allows us to see filtered topics only from the members we follow or something similar? It would have been the expectation by naming it as follow?
CC: @Kgastaldo.
Thanks & Best Regards,

I have created Idea: 

Thank you :)​​​​​​​
