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What is a Custom User Title on Profiles / Login Information?

  • 14 May 2021
  • 1 reply

Hi, I didn’t find any insight on this field in my search for “custom user title” here on InSpired. 

What is this? What’s the intended use case? How does it display (or not) on user profiles in the community?

I checked users with custom user roles and this field is not enabled or in use on those profiles, so it’s not that. 



Hi ddpancratz, 

The Custom User Title field is a title the overrides the displayed rank of a member. For example, your current rank is displayed as “super user”. As an admin, I could log into the inSpired control environment, navigate to your profile, and change your user title to “amazing super user”

A typical use case would be changing the Custom User Title of an employee. Instead of Daniel’s rank appearing under his profile name, he is set as “inSided Product Team” 


